

(2.1) 5G-CARMEN Use Cases and Requirements

(2.2) 5G-CARMEN Preliminary System Architecture and Interfaces Specifications

(2.3) 5G-CARMEN Final System Architecture and Interfaces Specifications

(3.2) Initial report on 5G Technological Enablers for CCAM

(3.3) Intermediate report on 5G Technological Enablers for CCAM

(4.1) Design of the secure, cross-border, and multi-domain service orchestration platform

(4.2) Advanced prototype for secure, cross-border, and multi-domain service orchestration

(4.3)  Results on the validation of the 5G-CARMEN platform

(5.1) 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan

(5.3) 5G-CARMEN Final pilot report

(6.1) Data Management Plan for 5G-CARMEN 

(7.1) Implementation of the project website, dissemination channels and social media communications

(7.2) First dissemination, impact assessment and exploitation report

(7.3) Second dissemination, impact assessment and exploitation report

(7.4) Final dissemination, impact assessment and exploitation report


Edge-based Collision Avoidance for Vehicles and Vulnerable Users5G-CARMEN Use Cases and Requirements (Politecnico di Torino | Repository istituzionale)


The Italian "Strade e Autostrade" (EDI-CEM Srl – “Strade & Autostrade”) published an article about 5G-CARMEN in their last press release of April 2020

5G PPP Annual Journal 2019 


Project partner CNIT has just added their latency measurement program, called "LaTe", which is completely open source and which was recently extended with AMQP 1.0 features for testing over an AMQP broker. It is related both to a custom, open and lower-layer agnostic latency measured protocol, called "LaMP", and to a program for flexible and advanced latency measurements, running on Linux (including Android, when a terminal emulator is used); this tool, called "LaTe", is able to perform measurements by means of LaMP over UDP and LaMP over AMQP 1.0, enabling the possibility to test the latency KPI (both RTT and unidirectional) over the ActiveMQ broker which will be deployed for some of the use cases. Furthermore, is it constantly being developed and updated with newer features, with the aim of providing an "all-in-one" tool for assessing network delays under different scenarios and when using different underlying technologies. The software can be downloaded here. The link provided here can also be used to download the open LaMP specifications (revision 2.0).


5G-CARMEN newsletter is published with relevant project news every 6 months.
Also the electronic newsletter will be used regularly to disseminate the latest results.









YOUTUBE Promotional Video 


5G-CARMEN project on Cybersecurity SMEs and funding opportunities for SMEs in Horizon Europe.
Friday 15th July 2022, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. CEST
The webinar is presenting how SMEs may be involved in future collaborations and fundings and cybersecurity SMEs, the Exalens experience in 5G-CARMEN.
Video recording: YouTubeLinkedin | Facebook            

International Telecommunication Society (ITS Europe)
Gothenborg, Sweden
A Model for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Diffusion Simulation in the European Vehicle Fleet
Conference Contribution
T. Degrande, F. Vannieuwenborg, S. Verbrugge, D. Colle

IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
Mapping the VNFs and VLs of a RAN Slice onto Intelligent PoPs in Beyond 5G Mobile Networks
Journal Contribution
M. Asif Habibi, F. Zarrar Yousaf, H.D. Schotten

2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops: 9th IEEE Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ANLN)
Cooperative Localization Enhancement through GNSS Raw Data in Vehicular Networks
Conference Contribution
A. Minetto, S. Zocca, F. Raviglione, M. Malinverno, C.E. Casetti, C.F. Chiasserini, F. Dovis

18th ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks
Experimental Assessment of IEEE 802.11-based V2I Communications
Conference Contribution
F. Raviglione, M. Malinverno, S. Feraco, C.E. Casetti, C.F. Chiasserini et al.

IEEE Communications Magazine
ONIX: Open Radio Network Information eXchange
Journal Contribution
E. Coronado; F. Raviglione; M. Malinverno; C. Casetti; A. Cantarero; G. Cebrián-Márquez; R. Riggio

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Smart Card-Based Identity Management Protocols for V2V and V2I Communications in CCAM: a Systematic Literature Review
Journal Contribution
S. Berlato, M. Centenaro, S. Ranise

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2021
Collaborative orchestration of multi-domain edgesfrom a Connected, Cooperative and AutomatedMobility (CCAM) perspective
Journal Contribution
N. Slamnik-Krijestorac, G. M. Yilma, M. Liebsch, F. Z. Yousaf, and J, M. Marquez-Barja

IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2021 – Fall (IEEE VTC-Fall’21)
Virtual Conference
Techno-economic and Simulation Study of a V2I-based Cooperative Manoeuvring Case in a Cross-border Scenario
A. Chiha Ep Harbi, F. Poli, B. Denis, F. Vannieuwenborg, D. Garcia-Roger, J. F. Monserrat, W. Aigner

IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
Safety-Related Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility Services - Interplay Between Functional and Security Requirements
Journal Contribution
M. Centenaro, S. Berlato, R. Carbone, G. Burzio, G. F. Cordella, R. Riggio, S. Ranise

Virtual conference
Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud: Implementation and Experimental Assessment
Conference contribution
Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise

IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management
Virtual Conference
Cost-efficient Placement and Scaling of 5G Core Network and MEC-enabled Application VNFs
Conference Contribution
D. Harutyunyan, R. Bahravesh, and N. Slamnik-Krijestorac

Virtual Conference
An optimized application-context relocation approach for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)
Conference Contribution N. Slamnik-Krijestorac, S. Latre, and J, M. Marquez-Barja
Current 4G Networks Limitations Pleading for 5G for Cross-border CAM Services [5G-CARMEN]
Conference Contribution
J. Hillebrand, D. Garcia-Roger, S. Inca, J.F. Monserrat, F. Poli, B. Denis, M. Gerosa, G. Avdikos, A. Heider-Aviet

Virtual conference
pi-ROAD: a learn-as-you-go framework for on-demand emergency slices in V2X scenarios
Conference contribution Vincenzo Sciancalepore

Multi-domain MEC orchestration platform for enhanced Back Situation Awareness
Conference contribution N. Slamnik-Krijestorac, G. M. Yilma, F. Z. Yousaf, M. Liebsch, and J, M. Marquez-Barja

IEEE VTC-Spring 2021
Virtual conference
Evaluation of C-V2X Sidelink Connectivity for Cooperative Lane Merging in a Cross-Border Highway Scenario Conference contribution
F. Poli, B. Denis, V. Mannoni, V. Berg, D. Martin-Sacristan, D. Garcıa-Roger, J. F. Monserrat IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2021,
Journal 01/04/2021SARDO: An Automated Search-and-Rescue Drone-based Solution for Victims Localization Journal contribution
Antonio Albanese, Vincenzo Sciancalepore VTM2021 - Vehicle and Transportation Technology Meetings Virtual conference 

Virtual conference

Future Internet Journal 01/03/2021
Two-layer network caching for different service requirements
Journal contribution
G. Reali, M. Femminella

Sensors, Journal 30/01/2021
Experimental Analysis of the Application of Serverless Computing to IoT Platforms
Journal contribution
Priscilla Benedetti, Mauro Femminella, Gianluca Reali, Kris Steenhaut

IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) 2021
Virtual Conference
Unraveling Edge-based in-vehicle infotainment using the Smart Highway testbed  Conference Contribution N. Slamnik-Krijestorac and J, M. Marquez-Barja

 ACM MSWIM 2020 - The 23rd International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsVirtual conference16/11/2020

A Multi-stack Simulation Framework for Vehicular Applications Testing Conference contribution M.Malinverno, F.Raviglione, C.Casetti, C.F.Chiasserini, J.Mangues-Bafalluy, Manuel Requena-Esteso

-AutoMEC: LSTM-based user mobility prediction for service management in distributed MEC resources
Conference contributionU. Fattore, M. Liebsch, B. Brik, A. Ksentini

IEEE 45th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)IEEE16/11/2020 Leveraging MEC in a 5G System for Enhanced Back Situation AwarenessConference contributionRreze Halili†, F. Zarrar Yousaf*, Nina Slamnik-Kriještorac†, Girma M. Yilma*, Marco Liebsch*,Erik de Britto e Silva†, Seilendria A. Hadiwardoyo†, Rafael Berkvens†, Maarten Weyn

IEEE CSCN 2019Granada, Spain28/10/2019Network Analytics and AutomationPanelistFaqir Zarrar Yousaf 

2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) Las Vegas, USA01/10/2020 Leveraging Mobile Edge Computing to Improve Vehicular CommunicationsConference contributionNina Slamnik-Kriještorac, Henrique C. Carvalho de Resende, Carlos Donato, Steven Latre, Roberto Riggio, Johann M. Marquez Barja 

5G PPP H2020 ICT-18-2018 Projects White Paper
5G Trials for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility along European 5G Cross-Border Corridors - Challenges and Opportunities
Version 1.0, October 2020

 IEEE 3rd 5G World ForumIEEE10/09/2020Security Considerations on 5G-Enabled Back-Situation Awareness for CCAMConference contributionM. Centenaro, S. Berlato, R. Carbone, G. Burzio, G. F. Cordella, R. Riggio, S. Ranise

5th International Workshop on Vehicular Networking and Intelligent Transportation SystemsVirtuall conference08/06/2020Analyzing the impact of VIM systems over the MEC management and orchestration in vehicular communicationsConference contributionNina Slamnik-Kriještorac, Michael Peeters, Steven Latre, Johann M. Marquez-Barja 

IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)

Virtual conference07/06/2020 Demo Abstract: Assessing MANO Performance based on VIM Platforms within MEC Context


Webinar16/07/2020 Cellular networks to enable V2X Presentation Giovanni Romano MDPI - Sensors Special Issue Sensor and Communication Systems Enabling Autonomous Vehicles MDPI31/05/2020 

Network Service and Resource Orchestration: A Feature and Performance Analysis within the MEC-Enhanced Vehicular Network ContextJournal contributionNina Slamnik-Kriještorac, Erik de Britto e Silva, Esteban Municio, Henrique C. Carvalho de Resende, Seilendria A. Hadiwardoyo, Johann M. Marquez Barja 

5GAA electronic meeting #14Online Standard Meeting11/05/2020Reply LS to 5GAA’s ‘LS on technical solutions for inter-MNO operation in V2X scenarios’ (S-200070)
Presentation Damiano Rapone  IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine

EEE02/04/2020 Predictive Voice-Over-Internet Protocol Fallback Over Vehicular Channels: Employing Artificial Intelligence at the Edge of 5G NetworksJournal contribution M. Centenaro, S. Tomasin, N. Benvenuto, S. Yang 

Elsevier Computer Communications ECC07/03/2020B enchmarking open source NFV MANO systems: OSM and ONAPJournal contributionGirma M. Yilma, Zarrar Yousaf, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Xavier Costa-Perez 

5GAA Exhibition February 2020 Brussels06/02/2020Booth with dissemination material (leaflets and notebooks distributed to attendees),UPV interactive demo, institutional video. 

Exhibition/demo/booth Roberto Fantini, Giovanni Romani IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, IEEE06/01/2020MEC support for Network Slicing: Status and Limitations from a Standardization Viewpoint

Journal contribution Vincenzo Sciancalepore IEEE Globecom 2019I EEE GlobeCOM09/12/2019 Enabling Computation Offloading for Autonomous and Assisted Driving in 5GConference contributionEstefania Coronado, Roberto Riggio IE

EE Vehicular Technology MagazineIEEE25/11/2019Edge-Based Collision Avoidance for Vehicles and Vulnerable Users: An Architecture Based on MECJournal contributionMarco Malinverno; Giuseppe Avino; Claudio Casetti; Carla Fabiana Chiasserini; Francesco Malandrino; Salvatore Scarpina 

Future Mobility ExpoforumTorino, Italy18/11/2019Presentation titled "5G-CARMEN: 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European union" during the SMART ROAD & SMART TRAFFIC sessionPresentationRoberto Fantini 

Future Mobility ExpoforumTorino, Italy18/11/2019Booth with dissemination material (leaflets, pens, and stickers distributed to attendees), two demos (UPV interactive simulator and Drivesec smart Bracelet), institutional video. 

Exhibition/demo/boothRoberto Fantini The Way towards the Internet of Things: OpenStandards vs SilosFiesole, Italy15/11/2019

The industrial Internet of Things: Self-Driving VehiclesPresentationGiovanni Romano

 ITS World Congress 2019 Singapore21/10/2019

 PresentationIlaria De Biasi IEEE WoWMoM 2019 Washington, USA 06/10/2019 

Open source platform for IEEE 802.11p NICs evaluationDemoF. Raviglione, M. Malinverno, C.Casetti IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Montreal, Canada17/09/2019 

Comparison of MongoDB and Cassandra databases for Spectrum Monitoring as-a-Service Journal contributionG. Baruffa, M. Femminella, M. Pergolesi, G. Reali IEEE VTC-Fall 2019 Honolulu, USA22/09/2019A 

Flexible, Protocol-agnostic Latency Measurement Platform Conference contributionF. Raviglione, M. Malinverno, C.Casetti 

IETF105IETF24/07/2019Control-/Data-Plane for N6 traffic steering -- Applicability to MEC for Automotive Use CasesStandards contribution Marco Liebsch

 EuCNC 2019Valencia, Spain18/06/2019 TutorialV.Sciancalepore, Emilio Calvanese-Strinati EuCNC 2019Valencia, Spain18/06/2019Booth with dissemination material (leaflets, pens, and stickers distributed to attendees), two demos (UPV interactive simulator and Drivesec smart Bracelet), institutional video. Exhibition/demo/boothB. Ferraioli 

EuCNC 2019Valencia, Spain18/06/2019Workshop: 5G in the Era of Connected CarsWorkshopR. Riggio 

ETSI MEC Tech-F2F 3Haifa, Israel14/05/2019Enabling MEC-5GC integration and MEC Host/Site relocationStandards meetingV. Sciancalepore 

BrennerLEC 2° WorkshopBolzano23/05/2019Limiti dinamici di velocità e veicoli connessi ed a guida automatica: verso un traffico autostradale digitalizzatoWorkshopF.Visintainer

 IEEE Communications MagazineIEEE01/05/2019 MANOaaS: A Multi-tenant NFV MANO for 5G Network SlicesJournal contributionFaqir Zarrar Yousaf, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Marco Liebsch, Xavier Costa-Perez

 The Third International Workshop on Flexible and Agile Networks: 5G and Beyond (FlexNets 2019, IEEE Infocom Workshop)Paris29/04/2019Gossip-based monitoring of virtualized resources in 5G networksConference contributionM. Femminella, G. Reali

 IEEE Infocom (Demo session)Paris29/04/2019Addressing Bitrate and Latency Requirements for Connected and Autonomous VehiclesConference contributionE. Coronado, G. Cebrián-Márquez, G. Baggio, R. Riggio 

IEEE WCNC 2019Marrakech, Morocco15/04/2019Towards Autonomic Management of 5G Network InfrastructuresTutorialFaqir Zarrar Yousaf IEEE WCNC 2019Marrakech, Morocco15/04/2019 Maturing E2E network and cloud slicing: Where are the frontiers?PanelistFaqir Zarrar Yousaf

 EUCAD 2019Brussels02/04/2019Participation to the 5G Corridors booth shared with 5G-MOBIX and 5G CroCoIndustrial faireCecchi 

5G BriefingFrankfurt26/03/2019Participation to panel "Bringing URLLC solutions to market reality"Conference contributionE. Salvadori IETF104Prague, Czech Republic26/03/2019Control-/Data-Plane for N6 traffic steering Standards meetingM. Liebsch, U. Fattore 

ETSI NFV#28Fukuoka, Japan12/03/2019Submitted 06 techncial contributions to the work-item EVE017 "Report on the support of real-time/ultra-low latency aspects in NFV related to service and network handling Low latency MANO" 

Standard Contribution Faqir Zarrar Yousaf Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2020 Barcelona24/02/2019 Presence at the 5G-PPP booth with leaflets material (about 500 leaflets, pens, and stickers have been distributed to MWC attendees)

Industrial faire R. Riggio 5G Strategic Deployment Agenda (SDA) for Connected and Automated Driving (CAM) Brussels07/02/2019

Participation to panel "Cooperation models and investment strategies building on CEF support"WorkshopE. Salvadori ACM MobiHoc 2019 Catania, Italy07/02/2019
Open source testbed for vehicular communicationDemo F. Raviglione, M. Malinverno, C.Casetti ACM MobiHoc 2019Catania, Italy07/02/2019
Characterization and Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11p NICs

Conference contributionF. Raviglione, M. Malinverno, C.Casetti ETSI MEC#145-TechOnline Standard Meeting10/01/2019Data plane policy management for MEC relocation

Standard ContributionM. Liebsch, V. Sciancalepore IEEE AccessIEEE Access07/01/2019A Future-proof Architecture for Management and Orchestration of Multi-domain NextGen Networks

Journal contributionV. Sciancalepore, C. Mannweiler, Z. Yousaf, P. Serrano, M. Gramaglia, J. Bradford, I. Labrador-Pavón SDxCentralSDxCentral  SDxCentral video series on NFV

Presentation  ETSI NFV ETSI  "Real-time/ultra-low latency aspects report " DGR/NFV-EVE017 v0.4.0 (GR NFV-EVE 017)Standard PublishedFaqir Zarrar Yousaf[elementor-template id="131"]