5G-CARMEN Project

The 5G-CARMEN project (5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European unioN) is a medium-term effort to significantly drive the research, implementation, and demonstration of refined 5G solutions for the Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility. In 5G-CARMEN important European industries, academics and innovative SMEs commit to achieve worldwide impact by conducting extensive trials across an important corridor (by people/goods traffic volumes), from Bologna to Munich, spanning 600 km of roads, connecting three European regions (Bavaria, Tirol and Trentino/South-Tyrol) across three countries. Cooperative maneuvering, situation awareness, video streaming, and green driving are the cross-border use cases targeted by 5G-CARMEN pilots in order to maximize the project commercial, societal, end environmental impact.


Horizon 2020 – Call: H2020-ICT-2018 | Topic: ICT-18-2018: 5G for cooperative, connected and automated mobility |  Type of action: 5G-PPP Phase 3 Innovation Action | Duration: 36 Months | Start date: 1/11/2018

Linkedin | Twitter: @5g_carmen